Dienstag, 29. Mai 2012

Effie's Cocktails part I

The "Effie Drink-it"
(Haymitch-suitable: non-alcoholic!)
~1 oz strawberry syrup
~3 oz banana nectar
~1,5 oz peach nectar
~0,8 oz cream

Enjoy it!

Montag, 28. Mai 2012

Letters to Effie

I am so relieved to finally find the time to reply to the delightful fangirl-letter I received. To my surprise the following adorable young lady comes from Germany! I didn't even know I had fans there, but this new definitely made my day!

"Dear Effie,
I'm your biggest fan! I want to know everything about you! What is your favorite food? And more importantly: What is your favorite dessert? Oh, and what about Katniss and Peeta? And Haymitch? Has become something of yourselves? What is the time your hair color? That really interests me. You never know what people wear today to light so ... And what is your favorite movie?
I'm always happy to answer
your moking jay

Ps: sorry for my bad english, I'm from Germany."

My dearest Mocking Jay (lovely nickname, by the way!),
I am flattered and cajoled to get to know a fangirl from Germany! This is a privilege I never experienced before, so you're welcome!
You've got a bunch of questions, so let's start. You asked for my favorite food? Hm, well, that's hard to say. Maybe you know I love love love all sorts of desserts and sweets, although I am always watching my weight. I'd bend over backwards for strawberries with chocolate, but shush!, keep it private! And thereby I already told you my favorite dessert.
I am close friends with Peeta Mellark and Katniss Everdeen, of course I am, and they are very fine. I think you asked me for Haymitch Abernathy, yes, we are in contact and no, there are no tender feelings between us. Why is everyone expecting us to be more than just colleagues? I mean... he's Haymitch. Just look at him. We are a really bad match.
My hair is golden, following Katniss' mockingjay pin. And so is my dress at the moment, I bought really fancy shoes suitable for it. 
My favorite movie? I used to like the small one they played during the reaping, but they don't show it anymore. I am really in love with "Fashion and Motivations", maybe you know it (as a fangirl you'd have to, because I have a small cameo appearance). 
So, whew, that was a really long letter! I hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to contact me any time you please.
I wish you a lovely day!
XOXOXO Effie Trinket


Write me!
As I just received two letters more, one from a fangirl, I wanted to encourage you to write me! I'll answer your questions with pleasure and I am looking forward to today's evening, as I'll have time to reply your posts!
Thank you!

Correspondency with an avox?

 My dears,
I just got mail from a former friend of mine, seeming to have been turned into an avox!

Dear Effie
Hello?? It´s me, Maryna! We were at the Fashionhighschool together. You was in my Clique and we were very best friends! Don´t you remember?? But i have bad news: Im an Avox, now. I was in the train and the Capitol, but you don´t recognize me. =( (sad smiley) But, that´s why I know Haymitch as well, as you. He didn´t cares about dump Listeners. He thought, that we can´t blab the things he said. (To all the others and to himself =D (Laughing Smiley, Rotate the paper 90° to the left. Or right? I´m not good with this left-right-whatsit!) I know Haymitch, since I´m an Avox (a very long time ='( (crying Smiley)) First he drunk not so much, so that he wasn´t soused all the time. He was a really nice, charming guy, but then he recognized, that nobody from District 12 can ever win and he start to drink relly, really much more!
Sparkling Greetings
P.S.: Tell me if the beach trip wa succesfull ;) (The Capitol reads every Letter, so be careful!!*writingwithinvisibleink* (Only allowed reader: Effie))

Dearest Maryna,
I am very shocked and surprised to find out what happened to you. Of course I remember you, but I'm still not informed about how you learned about my troubles with Haymitch. My heartsickness, if you want so.
I'm very curious, please tell me what you did that made the Capitol turn you into an Avox! I'd have never thought that a companion from School would once be an Avox!
I remember your beautiful hair, I think it was all orange and black (Or weren't that you?).
I wish you all the very best and hope you'll enjoy your day.
Yours, Effie

Dear Effie!
Yes, that was me! Nice that someone remembers me! Thaank you, yes my hair is my biggest treasure. The Capitol makes really horrible Conferences, in which we had to say (or write down) a name from a Capitolresident an then they ay you what they are writing. Do you remember the spot on the last Letter? That was a tear of me. I can´t stand to hear how hopefull, private Letters are read aloud. I would most like to hold my ears closed! But than we´ll be tortured. It´s not easy for me. And we´re not allowed to go ballistic, we have to look down with our black lips and the dump tongue and just look appealing. I´m an Avox because I wanted to free my Baby from the clutches of the Capitol! They kidnapped her, her name was Lily and I never see her again. I don´t now, why they take her from me or if she´s still alive. So I went in the Palace of Snow and tried to sneak to the Prisoncells, but a Peacekeeper catched me and... yes you know the rest of my story. But i miss her so much! Please, back to topic. I hope you and Haymitch will be a couple one day and, please say me a name of another human from the capitol, so that I don´t have to read only your post :cry: And: Keep me posted! Whish you a wonderful day, too and
Dearest Greets

Dear Maryna,
I am somewhat confused, do you want to tell me that the Capitol is reading my private correspondency? And if so, how then are you allowed to write me? I always felt as if avoxes wouldn't have the right to contact decent citizens. Aren't you in danger while writing to me? And isn't it dangerous for me to mingle with you?
I don't know what to think of your slander about the Capitol hijacking your baby. Why should have someone done that? I can't think of anyone immoral enough to do that. I'm sure there must be a misunderstanding.
You want to hear a name of another Capitol citizen? Well, Dora Lightful always was a nice young lady. But shouldn't you know enough names, considering your life before you became an Avox?
I wish you all the best and take care!
Yours sincerely,

 Dear Effie.
Yes. I know, that sounds unbelievable, but it´s a Punishment, when we didn´t do everything good enough. No, I´m not allowed to write you, that´s the reason for the lack punch. I give my letters to an allied friend of me. So, it´s not dangerous for you, when the police not just search through your things. That´s really unlikely, is it?
They take my baby (okay, she´s not a baby anymore, she was six, when they abducted her), because she sold herbs and fruits a the black market. Yes, I know. You must think: "What?? The black market? Why should she do this? Everyone is rich in the Capitol." But i have do disappoint you. No everyone is rich. We´re poor an do everything for our survival. My parents had enough money for the Highschool, but I was pregnant in the fourth month, when i got my Diploma. And there was no job for a pregnant Teenie, right from the Highschool, so yes. There are poor people in the Capitol. More as you can imagine. But hidden, so that nobody find it out.) Dora Lightful? Okay, I will write it down. You are too kind! No. Imagine you would be tortuned for weeks and have to reveal everyone you know. You would forget everything you know, too. Hope you understand me, it wasn´t easy for me... But I think you won´t get trouble, because of writing with me, so...
Best wishes
Your childhood friend
P.S.: I hope you don´t hate me, because I´m an Avox and, how the other Capitolresidents would say, Scum. Because that would be really hurtful.

I am very surprised about the Capitol spying me. To tell you the truth, I always had the suspicion that my privacy might not be as private as I'd wish. But... I never thought that someone would read my correspondency! Considering of what I wrote to Haymitch, it is really embarrassing that my secrets have been published!
To me you seem to be a very strange avox. Writing letters, having allied friends that help you break the law... I don't want to be rude, but this is the best sign for our safety arrangements being very malfunctioning. Of course I'm glad that you have the opportunity to contact me, but nevertheless... The only thought that I am writing to an Avox totally excites me!
I just can't believe there is a black market in the Capitol! No, I really can't! Poor people right next to my house? Inconceivable! This is so outrageous!
I always thought I'd know every small corner in the Capitol, but this new is really unfamiliar to me. Why haven't you ever told me you were pregnant? Oh my god, Maryna! I just thought you'd have gained weight! I was so innocent back then. You should have told me, you really should have! 
So if you have forgotten everything you knew, why then did you get back to me? Does this mean I made a lasting impression on you? I should feel flattered, shouldn't I?
No, of course I don't think you are kind of scum.  I am very sorry you lost your tongue (I remember your voice, it was lovely! Really lovely!) and I regret that you have been tortured. I... experienced how painful this way of treatment is. I feel with you.


No! That´s shouldn´t be embarrassing for you! I was the only Person, hears it. And really? I am strange, just because I yearn for contact to the last person, my memory preserved? When you are in a desperate Situation, you do desperate things. I´m very happy, that you write with me, although you are so excited. That´s really courageous. Why is it outrageous? Does not everybody has the right to fight for their survival? And I don´t think it´s next to your house. You live in the rich part of the Capitol. There is no Black Market nearby.
“Why haven't you ever told me you were pregnant?” Are you serious? Just think a second about the Gossip Factory at our Highschool. That would be terrible for me. No, I shouldn´t. and it was good, that I didn´t do it. No one would have liked me anymore. I would be labeled as hussy. Yes, you were my best friend. You were there for me, although I was ‘different’, how the other kids liked to designated me. No, you shouldn´t feel flattered. It´s just normal to remind your best Friend and Guard.
Yes, I am very sorry I lost my tongue, too. No I can´t sing anymore. Never again. The operation would cost thousands of dollars and nobody would give an Avox the tongue back. But…why, honey? What´s happened? Who has tortured you? Now I have tears in my eyes. The pretty, sweet, innocent Effie was tortured. That´s terrible!
Still worried about you & Love,

 My dearest Maryna,
I am glad you are the only person who knows about me and Haymitch. Imagine someone found out, it would have been horrible! Everyone would have talked about it. Ew!
No, dear, don't feel offended, I didn't want to insult you, I was only wondering about Avoxes having kind of... private life. I never thought they could act on their own initiative, but apparently I was wrong. I'd love to hear how you succeed sneaking off your attendants and meet your mysterious friend who mails your letters for you.
Thank you for finding my letters courageous, I am also very surprised by myself. Normally I'd never stay in contact with a criminal.
Oh, please, in my opinion it is very irritating to have a black market near the place where I live! Of course no one should starve, but a black market? In the Capitol? Why is nobody doing anything about it?
I feel very offended by you claiming that I would have told everyone on School about your pregnancy. Did you really suspect me so very much? I thought we were good friends, and I was never a chatterbox! Backbiting is very uncivil and and against all of my ethical values, you should have known I would have kept it private.
My dear, I am sure you would find someone to help you with the operation and so on, as you seem to know how to get your way, but first of all you would have to be decapitated from your duty to work as an Avox. I'm afraid this will never happen. But don't be too sad, maybe I could ask around what happened to your daughter, how about that? Maybe I can find out.
I don't want to talk about the torture. It was after the rebels saved Katniss from the arena, I had been arrested as a confidant of the rebellion, although I had no earthly idea.
It was the most ghastly time of my whole life, but now it is over and I managed to handle it. You know, I'm very strong! I can deal with the ups and downs of life.
I wish you all the best and be careful.
Love, Effie 

 My dearest Effie,
No one would talk about it. It´s Top-Secret, only Avoxs could have be in the “Meetings”, how they call it and, as you (hopefully) know, we can´t talk. Effie. Even an Avox has (some) human Rights. When we don´t work (maybe, when everyone else is sleeping or something), we have a private Room. (Where I write these Letters.) My “mysterious Friend”, how you call him, well, his name is Jack. I don´t think you know him. He´s really … nice to me. He understands me and comforts me, when I burst into tears or something. He´s my best friend and I like him like crazy. I let the Letters fall out of my Window at night and he just pick them up, sends me a smile and sends them to you. Your letters… I have a friend in the post office, who gives the letters to Jack. We have a little secret melody. I can whistle, that´s great. A Criminal?! Effie Trinket, your manners are terrible bad at the moment. What´s wrong with you? Seems like you have Mood Swings. Are you pregnant? *indignantlaughter * I was exactly like this, as I was pregnant. Oh my. Effie! I survived thanks to the Black Market. And you are like “Ew, a black market, take him away! Sinister figures flit around there, that´s disgusting.” You are not fair. When we dress them up like the chicks in the Capitol, they would be as beautiful and cool, as you are! Well, not exactly, because you are the Beauty Queen and you have (normally) the best manners in the whole Capitol, but comparable. Effieheart, sure you were never a Chatterbox, but I was so afraid, that, maybe someone could overhear us! Not even my parents knew something about my Pregnancy. Yes, I really don´t think, that somebody would “Buy me out”, but when somebody would do it, he or she would never let me go. But maybe, some day, when Jack earned enough money he could free me. (He has promised it anyway.) But let us see, what the Future brings to us… Oh my god, it would be fantastic, if you would do it! I wish you good luck with your search!! Rebels? What´s happened? Jack told me something about an accident in the arena and a new President, but… I didn´t believe him… Oh my gosh, it´s true?? But you have to be so strong, when you were tortured and you are still happy… I admire you!
In silent admiration

 Dear Maryna,
First of all: of course I know that Avoxes aren't able to talk! (What do you think about me? My, my...) But I had the impression that there may be others reading the letters out loud, and as you already said, those people can not be Avoxes. So what about them? Who are they, and how do they react reading the letters?
I didn't want to be impolite, but I never knew Avoxes also had a private life. I did never go in with them, so I don't know much about their lives. I once had my own Avox, too, but he always stared at me as if I did something wrong, and so I dismissed him. Now there are a few avoxes coming to my house every day again, but none of them is living with me. I made bad experiences, the private Avox I owned had terrible dining mannerisms. But I guess it's not easy eating decently without having a tongue, isn't it? Nevertheless, I disliked eating with him in one room. I soon gave it up.
Oh, Jack and you, honey? I'd be very interested to learn more about him. Where does he come from? What is he working as? Why do you know him? Are you able to meet aside from the nights when you give him the letters? And how does he look like? Is he charming? I'm very intrigued.
Darling, I really didn't want to insult you! But it is true, I was very tactless while saying you were a criminal (although, in fact, technically speaking, you are, or you wouldn't be an avox). It's just... in the case that someone would come to read our correspondency, no one would be interested in what you did before becoming an Avox, they just would see me writing with someone who shouldn't even speak. And that would be terrible, although I really love you, but just imagine the punishment! Did I ever tell you why I am the escort of District 12? Small actions are followed by huge punishments. Of course that's alright, we need to prevent criminality! But nevertheless...
Whew, Maryna! I am not pregnant, of course not! Just look at the photographs taken not so long ago, do I perhaps look corpulent? Whom do you imagine to be the father? There's no one interested in me, and that's very advantageous, because a baby would destroy my whole life.
Of course I'm glad you survived thanks to the black market, but just imagine you lived in the Capitol for your whole life (well, you did, indeed) and then you get to know there's deliquency all around you! That was very shocking to me, you should have thought about it before personate me as prissy!
So well, I'll forgive you that you never told me, your very best friend, about your pregnancy. I'm very generous, though I hope you'll inform me about everything to matter in the future.
I just thought about someone buying you out. How much money would this be? Will your friend Jack be able to gain it?
I just started to inform me about your daughter, but I don't know where to start. I'll just question my colleagues, and if they are not in the loop, I'll apply to the Office of Criminal Record. Maybe I'll be succesfull.
Don't tell me you don't know anything about the rebellion! The rebels from D13 (yes, it does exist!) took over the Capitol and assumed power. President Snow has been killed, the new president is a woman named Paylor. Do you know what's the baddest thing about it? Every train is in retard since the rebellion! It's horrible! Yesterday I had to wait at least two minutes until that impertinent thing arrived!
Altogether I'm not very keen on the rebels, as they changed nothing except that they burgled in my house and destroyed the beautiful carpet (and I don't even know why!).
Yes, I know it's hard to believe I have been tortured and then returned to my everyday life. In the very beginning, I was struggling with very hard depressions, but I overwhelmed them and I'm alright again. I tried to forget and I did so. I hope you will be able to find peace one day. If there's anything I can do to help you, don't hesitate to ask me for it! Unless you continue criticizing me for my manners, because I wasn't bad-mannered at all, only honest.
Hugs and kisses,

Dear Effie,

Yes. But the readers are not allowed to react in any way. After they read the letters a loud, they have to take tablets, which make them forget, what they read, so that they don´t reveal any contents of the letters.
Yes, okay, maybe everybody think that. They just see us, when we are at work. So, I think it´s understandable, that everybody think that.
That sounds…nice. What was his name? Maybe I know him…? Effie. Now you make me cry. Sure, it´s not easy to eat without my beloved tongue. I mean…I mean, yeah I do my best when eating, but it is still very difficult.
Oh, that´s embarrassing. I don´t think Jack loves me. Jack? Jacks parents come from District 4, but they moved to the Capitol, when he was pretty young. His job? Oh, I talked with him about this theme and I´m not allowed talking about this. I´m sorry, but he´s scared, too. I know him, because he helped me in the worst situation, in which you can be. I can´t tell you more to this topic, again. Hmm, I think…yes. But we have to do as we wouldn´t know, except from situations in which nobody is there. Oh my…Good question, Fy! He´s incredible handsome…Black hair and stunning green eyes. And his sweet, wry Smile…He´s a head bigger than me and has a really broad Back. He´s really charming. And…unbelievable…polite, kind and attractive. Yes. I'm very intrigued, too. But because of him. He´s just fascinating and breathtaking sweet.
Okay, I accept your Excuse, honey. Fy, darling, don´t worry! Nothing can happen! Jack takes care of us. Both of us. Even if you don´t know him. But, believe me. When you are in trouble or something, Jack will be there and help you, because you are my only friend and he knows, how important you are for me. And Eff, I don´t think the punishments are worse than in the other Districts. Quite the contrary.
Are you sure? Really, really sure??Yes, you doesn´t look corpulent. Hell, no! But, just saying, you have changed a lot. That´s ridiculous. Maybe…Haymitch? I think he loves you more, than you can imagine. Even if he is rough or even vulgar, deep inside of him, he loves you. And don´t ask again! I´ve got my sources. And babys don´t destroy lives, they bring happiness and a whole new Lifestyle! But you can´t know this, because you haven´t an own baby. On the contrary to me. I was a mother. I love my little Lily…But now she´s away. You can´t imagine how hurtful that is. It´s terrible.
Effie. You aren´t prissy. Sorry, if you should have the wrong message. But let´s forget the black market, okay? Just forget, that he exists.
Yes, I will inform you, when you don´t stop informing me. Especially about Haymitch and Lily… Hmm, I don´t know how much it is. I think a bit less, than the normal price. Oh, I hope so! But he shouldn´t starve, just because of my silly fate. He´s too admirable for this world. But I don´t give up the hope. I think he will free me. Because he is my best friend. Yesterday he said I have the most beautiful eyes in the whole Capitol and… when the time comes, I must forget him. So I will not hurt. I should never talk about him, no matter what. I just don´t know, what I should think about this. I like him too much, to lose him. That sounds if he want to leave me, right? But when he kissed me on my cheek and hugs me, I started crying and he said, there´s no reason, why I should cry. The most horrible think was, that I can´t answered him. I wanted to cry out: “I love you! Why, oh why don´t you understand that??” But then he had to go.
Lily is (next to you and Jack) the most important thing in my life, so please, PLEASE keep on searching, okay?I hope you will be successful. For my daughter. For me. For Jack.
No! Nothing! It does exist! Oh my…that are too many informations for one evening… Oh, the trains are to late? My tip: The West Station. Well, yeah, it´s not as magnificently as the Mainstation, but the trains are never retard! Oh, are the Rebels really as bad as you say? That´s really not nice, I think the Carpet was incredible expensive and the poor avoxes has to repair and clean it. It´s really hard to believe, but when Jack doesn´t say it before I wouldn´t believe you. But two quite different persons say it. That has to be true! Poor Effie! But I´m proud, that you´ve made it! I won´t speak with you about the torture, so that you can forget it, alright? I hope I will be able to find peace, too. But that will be possible, when I get my daughter back and my life and Freedom, and maybe my tongue… Thank you, you are the nicest person and I WILL ask you, believe me. But you can ask me too, if you have any Problems, maybe I can help you. Yes, I, an Avox can help you! Sounds unbelieveable, but we are all still humans, right? Okay, I will stop criticizing you, but you do anything mean, but I REALLY don´t think so!!
Hugs and kisses for you, too,


 My dearest Maryna,
I'm very sorry you had to wait such a long time for my letter, but believe it or not (maybe you've already read it): Haymitch is visiting! But he doesn't talk a lot, the atmosphere is very formal, which irritates me, because I tried so hard to make my guests be comfortable, and how do they react? They ignore me!
Well, of course, they don't brush me off, but neither Katniss nor Peeta or Haymitch answer my questions and they are very impolite and gruffly. But why? What did I do wrong?
I feel very lonely. They are sleeping at the very moment, well, Katniss and Peeta are, Haymitch is still awake. He never sleeps at night. He never told me why, but I think he's afraid of his nightmares. Katniss once said that he only sleeps with a knife in his hand, isn't that awful? I can hear him walking about right now, and I really think about talking to him to prettify his night, but... I don't know. He just doesn't like me. That's all.
But, well, I don't want to annoy you with my problems. But, you know, you are the only friend I have. Maybe you think: "What? Effie Trinket doesn't have anyone to talk to?" but yes, it's true. So... I'm very sorry for lamenting about how impolite Haymitch is.
Back to topic. To me it sounds as a very complicated system just to punish some Avoxes, but there are always some foolies around, right?
Don't you think me to have treatened my Avox in a disrespectful way! There are not many people allowing their Avoxes to eat at the same table as everyone else, you know? Besides, he had a beautiful chamber and I am never dismissive towards my subordinates! His name was Dennis Slarthey, but he looked kind of Irish and yes, maybe you know him. I think he's alright now, I gave him a very positive review.
I'm very sorry I upset you, I'm sure you have developed a lovely way to eat without your tongue. But, tell me... I don't want to sound impolite, but this really interests me: What do you eat then? As, you know, Avoxes can't even taste... is there kind of special Avox food or so? The whole thing about it is very thrilling, you know?
Oh, dear, you really don't think the man who breaks the law for you, protects you, earns money to buy you free, sends your letters to me and consoles you when you're sad loves you? Please, Maryna, don't be so innocent. Of course he loves you. He sounds very fascinating, I'm glad you have a friend like him!
Maryna! Of course I'm sure I'm not pregnant! Oh, please, the only thought! Why do you think I changed a lot? I really don't feel as if I'd have changed.
You know, some people just are meant to be mommies, but I am not. Of course I'm not, just look at me! Could you imagine me giving birth (eww) or taking care of a little child? Well, I can't.
I accept your offer to not to talk about the black market anymore. But you have to know that it isn't as easy for me to forget its existence! But, well. Let's just go ahead.
Maryna, please stop! Stop to give up hope and to try preparing yourself for forgetting Jack! Why do you do that? This man is so worried about you and he just told you you had the most beautiful eyes in the whole Capitol, and what's your reaction on it? You want to forget him. I think that's wrong. The two of you will have such a lovely future once he gained enough money to free you. And one day you'll be able to tell him everything you want him to know, you just are not allowed to give up, right?
Please give me some more information about Lily. What's her full name? How does she look like? When exactly has she been born? I won't stop searching, but I can't run about and ask for a girl I know nothing about.
The West Station? Really? Well, that surprises me. I always thought the only thing on time there were the drug pushers, but if you say so? I'll try.
Yes, the whole thing about the rebellion is incredible. Who would have thought that the Capitol might have enemies? And that they'd once kill our president? It's really irritating.
Of course I know that you can help me, my love. Although you're an Avox. Although... I can't speak to you. But I am so curious to see you one day. Where exactly do you work? Maybe I could come around to take a look at you?
Enjoy your day!

 Effie, ducky,
I´m horrible sorry, that I answers you until now! But I had some problems here. I'm sorry that Haymitch and the Kids are such impolite visitors, but I have big trouble at the moment, too. Okay, I hurry up to answer you, because my Family is stricter than ever. Hey, I know you! Just be as strict as you was at Highschool! Say them, what you think and don´t let them annoy you! They are your guests and have to behave as you want them to. Just say them your opinion, you´re a strong lady, I know you can do that!
Eff. Haymitch loves you like crazy, believe me!! And you never annoy me, but it´s incredible, that you don´t recognize how much he loves you! You must tell me everything about him and you. You two would be such a wonderful couple! Maybe he doesn´t show it, maybe he doesn´t know it himself, but I was able to feel it. Avoxes are very sensible for feelings, you know? And I will be there for you forever, I promise, because you are there for me in the hardest time of my life! And, darling you are my only friend, too…
Yes, I´m sure his chamber was beautiful, because you are a beautiful person and I´m sure your house is as beautiful as you. Dennis Slarthey? Really?? Are you sure? Omg, Dennis…
I eat very different things, my dear, and well Avoxes have noses, right? So we can taste a little bit. Yes, the Capitol invented something in this direction, but my family isn´t rich or nice enough to buy me special food. It sends impulses through the synapses and…yes, it´s very complicated…
I´m not sure, Effie! Yes, I love him and yes, he takes care of me, but how can I be sure, that he did it, because he loves me? I can´t ask him (neither by speaking nor by writing) and I know nobody who could do this. And the only person, who knows about him and me is you! And what do you think? Sure, I´m glad to have a friend like him!
Oh sorry, I just got the impression, but maybe I was wrong.
Effie, every woman can gets children and be a mother! Don´t be so silly, you would be a wonderful Mum.
No, I don´t want to forget him, but he wanted me to! But what can I do, that he don´t leaves me?! I love him so much! You can´t imagine this. And I can´t say him, how I feel, that´s incredible awful! Omg, I hope he will never read this letters and find out how desperate I am. No! I won´t give up in my whole life! Never! Oh my… Now I started crying…
Her name is Lily Montory. Oh… she has light brown hair and big, brown Bambieyes. But I don´t know more about her. Maybe she wears a wig or colored contact lens. I don´t know if she remembers it, but I gave her a necklace through the bars of the prison cell. It was a silver Heartlocket. There was photo of me and her father in it… I hope that will help you.
Yes, I´m looking forward to see you… one day… At the moment I work in the Middlestreet number eleven. Maybe, maybe, I don´t know. But what will you do then? I can´t imagine this would be that not dangerous for me, when you show them, that we know each other… But I would love to see you! I would be infinitely happy! But at the moment I´m looking a bit… broken… I was tortured, because I tried to run away. I just wanted to meet Jack, when the sun shines and the birds sing! I wanted to see the Capitol and find my daughter! But they catched me. Sure. But although I´m pale and my back looks horrible I have to go with a smile through my life. It´s okay. That´s my job. I would be terrible excited, if you would visit me!


 My dearest Maryna,
First of all, nobody has ever called me "ducky" and I'm not sure if I like it. So, please, I prefer "darling" or "dearie". Ducky sounds as if I'd be referred to a small, waddling bird, and that... kind of upsets me.
Oh, my guests behave very much better now. Katniss and Peeta do their best to make me feel comfortable, they talk to me and they are very sweet -I think I have good influence on them-, but Haymitch... Oh, Haymitch. You won't believe what he just did. I wanted to teach him how to dance and initially everything worked fine, but then a very slow song set in and he just looked at me, which totally confused me, and then... he kissed me! I really don't know what to think about it, I'm so nervous and I feel awfully bad because I swept out of the room and didn't even talk to him, and now he doesn't answer to my knocking at his door. I'm really confused right now, so please excuse me.
Maybe you are right, maybe he loves me a little... but how should I know? I mean, it's Haymitch. He... oh, don't ask me. I have no idea what I'm thinking about him and... I have to be left alone for a short time to figure out my feelings.
Yes, my dear, you are right, my house is really, really beautiful and I'm sure you'd love it. It's very big and bright, just the way I like it.
Well, Dennis was my Avox, why do you react in such a way? Do you know him? Of course you do. But what is wrong with you? Why are you so upset?
Oh, but that's great. That they even invented food you can taste. It's very interesting and a sign of how caring the Capitol is. That they even worry about food for criminals who have lost their tongues... that's lovely! Very charming, I didn't know that. But now I do, and yes, I'm glad about it!
Oh, my darling, are you still thinking about Jack and you? Why should he have done all those things for you if it wasn't because of love? I mean, he takes care of you, he is your friend, he seems to be such a nice person... Haymitch hasn't done half of what you told me about Jack, and still you don't cease telling me Haymitch loves me. So how can you even dare to doubt Jack's love? No one can ask him about his feelings, only you can, Maryna. And although you can't speak, there are different ways to clarify your position. I'm sure he'll be glad to get to know you love him. But you're the only one to tell him.
Oh, sweetheart! I know enough women who would never be able to take care of a baby, and I clearly belong to them. Although sometimes I think I'd be ready for Effie Junior, too, but... you know. There are more important things to take care of, besides, I just can't imagine anyone as a father for my child. No, thanks. Better to stay lonely then to let me hurt, isn't it?
Jack told you to forget him? Why did he say that? You have to tell me everything about it! What happened? You told me he would try to gain enough money to buy you free! How can he even think about telling you to forget him?
Don't give up hope, my dear, everything will fall into place. You'll see. I will keep on searching for your little sweetie, Lily, although I really don't know what could have happened to her. Maybe she has been adopted? What do you think?
Thank you so very much for your description of her, it will help a lot.
Oh. It's disappointing that you work for a family and not in a public building. It would have been much more easier to meet you openly. Of course I would not bring to anyone's notice that we know each other. Maybe we could think about a way how I could visit your family and then we could at least see each other. It would be very dangerous, though. I'll think about it.
Oh, my... you tried to run away? But that's forbidden, Maryna, even the thought of it is terrifying! I told you to take care and what do you do? You try to run away! Although you know that I'm searching for your daughter and that you have got a friend trying to pay a ransom for you. Why did you do that? That's horrible! I absolutely forbid you to behave like that once again! How dared you? Now they tortured you, and you don't have to be surprised about it. You should have known that they'd catch you! Don't ever try this again! Promise me, Maryna! That was an awful idea, and you can only be saved if you behave decently! Alright?
I wish you all the best and get well soon! Look after yourself!!
Affectionate regards and a lot of lovelovelove,
Effie ♥


Me modelling for CapitolCouture! Beautiful or not?

(Maryna just said:  "P.S.: Oh my gosh, you look stunning! And: I would love to follow you, but I can´t! No Google Mail (or whatever) - Profile for answering."
Well, thank you very much, sweetheart,  I also like the pictures a lot and I am on cloud nine to read such a lovely reaction!)

Be up-to-date!

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As you can see, I'm finally having my own website! Follow my activities, learn new and interesting things about trends and styles, write me a letter or do as you please on my blog!
I hope you'll enjoy your day, and... may the odds be ever in your favor!
XOXOXO, Effie Trinket